Serve the Community
The Springfield United Methodist Church Mission House is open to serve the needs of the Bay County area each Tuesday by providing food, clothing, household items and prayer to families.
We have an amazing support system of about 15 dedicated people who are willing, compassionate and share the same goal to serve others.
This past summer we were able to participate in a summer lunch program through the Bay Area Food Bank for children 18 years and younger. Springfield Elementary joined with us to get the word out as well as volunteer their time. We had over 12 workers help out with the summer lunch program.
Some of these kids would not have had any lunch during the summer if not for this program. We were open Monday thru Friday and served 308 lunches over the summer break. What a blessing it was for us!
Stay connected for volunteer opportunities in the near future!
This past year at the Mission House we have served 2390 families, had 353 first timers, 113 salvations and 62 rededications.
Matthew 25:35 says “for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat… 36 says I needed clothes and you clothed me…”
We feel that this is our mission, to help serve both the physical and spiritual needs of our community. With God's help, we will strive to continue the work set before us and fulfill this mission! Jeanette Phillips, Director.